2013 Schedule online
We now have the 3RBL Schedule for 2013. Our first game is on May 9 in Kaiserslautern; our first home game is on July 7.
-ghs- |
Mixed Softball 2013
The Cannibals would like to register a Mixed Softball team in the league in 2013.
Whoever would like to play (especailly women!): please contact me! Tel: (06241) 506-6391
Practice starts in the Winter.
Play Ball!
- Jojo#88 - |
New Practice Times
23.09.12 in Bücheneburen
The Cannibals will play a Playoff qualification game on 23.09.2012 at 13:00 in Büchenbeuren against the Coblenz Raptors.
Neustadt and St. Ingbert have already qualified for the Playoffs which will take place on Oktober 7 in St. Ingbert.
ghs |
New Gameday: 8.07 in Worms
We play in Worms on 8. Juli against the St. Ingbert Devils and the Neustadt Saints. The game against the Devils starts at 11:00. Afterwards, the Devils play the Saints; the Cannibals play the Saints at about 15:00. [Schedule]
-ghs- |
2012 Schedule Online
2012 Schedule – Update your calender now! [Schedule]
-ghs- |
New President elected
Elections were held on 12.11.2011 as part of our annual meeting. The following people were elected:
• President - Joachim (Jojo) Sonnenberg
• Vice President - Sven Friederich
• Treasurer - Jerry Labrie
• Press Secretary - Alex Kubitzki
Contact information: Click here
-ghs- |
New Practice Times
110,000th visitor on 7/7/2011
This website had its 110,000th visitor since March 22, 2003 on 7/7/2011!
-ghs- |
Cannibals win!
The Worms Cannibals beat the Büchenbeuren Braves today in a game with ideal Baseball weather by 10-4. |
Friendly game on 19.06
The Diekirch Phoenix from Luxembourg are coming to Worms on Sunday, 19.06. The game starts at 13:30.
All players: Be at the field at 11:00 to set-up and get warm for the game. |
Practice now Sundays 15:00
Practice is now also Sundays at 15:00. |
More games planned for 2011
100,000th visitor on 6/19/2010
On 6/19/2010 this website had its 100,000th visitor since March 22, 2003!
-ghs- |
Game in BK starts at 11:00!
Da Deutschland am Sonntag möglicherweise spielt, wurde unser Freundschaftsspiel auf 11:00 Uhr vorgelegt. Treffpunkt ist 8:45 Uhr auf dem Parkplatz gegenüber d. Jahnturnhalle. |
New date for game against BK!
Bad Kreuznach has moved our game with them:
27-JUN-10 14:00 in Bad Kreuznach.
- Jojo - |
New Executive Board
Ich wünsche dem neugewählten Vorstand der Abteilung
Herrn Mikel Frieß - Abt.Vorsitzender
Herrn Christoph Haus - 2. Abt.Vorsitzender
Herrn Jerry Labrie - Schatzmeister
eine glückliche Hand um die Abteilung wieder auf den richtigen Weg zu bringen.
Bedanken möchte ich mich auch bei den Anwesenden bei der außerordentlichen Abteilungsversammlung für die konstruktive Mitarbeit
Mit sportlichem Gruß
Johann Ammon |
Cannibals withdraw team
The Cannibals have withdrawn their team from league play in 2010.
It is planned that the team be rebuilt and that a large number of practice games be played in 2010 with the goal of registering a team again in 2011. |
No Pfingsturnier 2010!
The Worms Cannibals are *not* sponsoring a Pfingsturnier in 2010. |
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