New President
The Cannibals have a new president: Johann Ammon. Vice President is Christoph Haus. |
Practice in Elo-Gym as of 7. Nov
Practice in Elo-Gym as of 7. Nov.!
Due to the weather, no more outdoor practice on the Bürgerweide.
-Greg- |
Website back up and running
Our menu was not functioning anymore, thanks to an unannounced and not backwards compatible PHP update on our server. This is finally resolved, though. Sorry for the long delay, but I just arrived in Ireland this week and had no Internet up until now.
Cheers, Tim |
Rained-out Game Rescheduled
The rained-out game with Büchenbeuren has been rescheduled for
• Sunday, 26.07.2009 at 14:00 •
Go to schedule
- ghs - |
Practice now Wed. and Fri.
Practice is now Wednesdays and Fridays at 17:30!
- ghs - |
Changed starting time WOR-BKC
Our next game - on Saturday May 23 against Bad Kreuznach in Worms - starts at 11:00! Players are to meet at the field at 8:45.
- ghs - |
Pictures from BKC-WOR - 19.04.09
Spielplan 2009 Online
The 2009 Schedule is now online! click here
- ghs - |
Verbandsliga Stats Online
Die Verbandsliga season is now over. All statistics, incl. "All Time" and "Top 10" are now up-to-date.
-ghs- 4.10.2008 -
Visit our Fan Shop!
Visit our Fan-Shop: Click here
Cannibals T-Shirts, Sweatshirts and more!
75.000th Visitor on 25.08.2008 !
On 25.08.2008 this website had its 75.000th visitor since March 22, 2003!
-ghs- 25.08.2008 - |
Youth Stats Online
Die Youth season is now over. All statistics, incl. "All Time" and "Top 10" are now up-to-date.
-ghs- 02.06.2008 - |
Pix of WOR-TRI on 13.04.08
Schedule 2008 Online
The 2008 Schedule for all 4 Cannibals teams is now online: Click here.
-ghs- 29.02.2008 - |
Youth Indoor Tournaments
Participating Teams: Mainz Athletics, Saarlouis Hornets, Trier Cardinals, Worms Cannibals
Tournament in Mainz on 2.3.2008
10:30 Worms – Mainz Umpire: Saarlouis
11:30 Trier – Saarlouis Umpire: Mainz
12:30 Saarlouis – Worms Umpire: Trier
13:30 Mainz – Trier Umpire: Worms
14:30 Worms – Trier Umpire: Saarlouis
15:30 Mainz – Saarlouis Umpire: Worms
Tournament in Trier on 16.3.2008
10:30 Saarlouis – Trier Umpire: Mainz
11:30 Mainz – Worms Umpire: Trier
12:30 Trier – Mainz Umpire: Worms
13:30 Worms – Saarlouis Umpire: Mainz
14:30 Saarlouis – Mainz Umpire: Trier
15:30 Trier – Worms Umpire: Saarlouis
Each game is 50 minutes, 10 minutes break between games.
-ghs- 16.02.2008 - |
New Tee-Bees Pictures
New Tee-Bees pictures (from 26.01.2008) are now online! Click here.
-ghs- 31.01.208 - |
Tee-Bees Indoor Practice
Indoor practice for the Tee-Bees (kids 7 – 12 years old) will start again as of December 1st!
Training is always Saturdays from 14:00 to 15:30 in the Elo-Turnhalle.
Russ Risdon und Brett Hessler will be coaching the kids.
-ghs- 17.11.2007 - |
60,000th Visitor on 16-Nov-2007
On November 16, 2007, this Website had it's 60,000th visitor since March 22, 2003. That's an average of 35.3 visitors per day or over 12,890 per year!
- ghs - |
Indoor Practice Schedule
The Indoor Practice Times are now on the Website.
Unfortunately the schedule for the Tee-Bees (thru 12 years) is not fixed yet...
-ghs- 6.11.2007 - |
Game in Wiesbaden cancelled!
Wiesbaden has not contacted Jojo; therefore, the game planned for Oct. 28 in Wiesbaden is *cancelled*!
- ghs - |
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