Schedule 25th anniv on 7/26
10.00 - 11.00 Uhr Schüler vs. Bad Kreuznach Schüler
11.00 - 13.00 Uhr Softball vs. Coblenz Raptors
13.00 - 14.00 Uhr Guests Fun-Mix Softball (whomever wants to play)
14.00 - 16.00 Uhr Friendly Game COB-WOR-NWS Baseball
16.00 - 18.00 Uhr Old Cannibals vs. Current Team
• Food and Drinks available •
-ghs- |
Jugendtraining am 12.07
Das Jugendtraining (Alter 7-14 Jahre) findet am 12.7.2014 beim Sommerfest der TGW neben dem Hockeyplatz Jahnwiese (Hammerwurfnetz) statt.
Beginn 15-16.30 Uhr, Schlagtraining, Minispiele, Fang- und Wurfübungen.
Weitere Vorführungen und Mitmachangebote bieten die einzelnen Abteilungen der TG Worms. Für das leibliche Wohl ist gesorgt!
Link TG Worms Sommerfest: Hier klicken
-hb- |
No Youth practice on 6/28!
No Youth training today (28.06)! |
No Youth practice on 5/31
Because of the "Spectaculum" event on 5/31, it will be impossible to drive to our Baseball field; therefore, Youth Practice has been cancelled on this day.
-hb/ghs- |
Special Youth Practice 5/17
Want to Play Ball? Special Youth Practice on 5/17/14
The Baseballdepartment of the Turngemeinde Worms is pushing their youth team. They are offering a special practice on Saturday May 17. for kids between 8 and 12 years old.
This practice will take place on the baseball field on the Wormser Bürgerweide between 15:00 and 16:30.
Coach Hendrik Breuler, who played baseball for Mannheim in the 1. Bundesliga, will lead the practice session and will be supported by players from the men's team.
Beginners are more than welcome to take part. The Coach Breuler and a number of the players speak English.
-hb/ghs- |
No Youth on 10.05.14
Youth practice is cancelled on Saturday, May 10 due to a 3RBL tournament in Worms. Of course, the Men hope that lots of kids players show up to cheer them on! The first game starts at 10:30. |
3RBL 2014 Schedule
Sun 04.05 in COB
Sat 10.05 in WOR
Thu 29.05 in COB
Sun 20.07 in WOR
Sun 28.09 in KSL
1st game always starts at 10:30
Schedule: Click here
-ghs- |
Friendly Games April 2014
On Sunday, April 13, the Cannibals will play two games against the Coblenz Raptors in Worms on the Bürgerweide.
The Baseball teams play the first game at 11:00. Afterwards, at about 14:00, the Mixed-Softball teams will play each other.
Food and drinks will be available.
Other practice games planned are:
• Sat 19.04 vs. Kaiserslautern Bears in Worms. Game time: 13:00 Uhr
• Sun 27.04 Turnier vs. Büchenebeuren Braves and Coblenz Raptors in Worms. The first game starts at 10:30.
-ghs- |
No Youth practice on 1/25
No Youth practice on January 25th because of a Badminton game in the gym!
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 22. Januar 2014 um 11:04 Uhr
An: "Baseball Sonnenberg", "Hendrik Breuler"
Betreff: Baseball Samstag
bitte beachten Sie, dass am Samstag ein Badmintonspiel in der neuen Jahnturnhalle stattfindet.
Es stand auf der Terminliste, war aber leider (vom Datum her) falsch eingeordnet.
Ursula Karlin
-ghs- |
No game in Flö-Da!
The planned baseball demonstration on Saturday, July 6 in Flörsheim-Dalsheim has unfortunately been cancelled due to a death.
Deep and heartfelt sympathy to the TSV Flörsheim-Dalsheim. |
New Directions
The directions to the field have been changed to reflect the current construction situation in Worms.
Directions: Click here
-ghs- |
Cannibals 3RBL Champs!
The Cannibals defeated the St. Ingbert Devils 36-15 on 7.10.2012 and are the 3RBL champions! |
Cannibals in 3RBL Playoffs!
The Worms Cannibals have reached the 3RBL playoffs thanks to a 15-9 victory over the Coblenz Raptors on 23.09.
The playoffs are scheduled for October 7, 11:00 in St. Ingbert. The Cannibals will be competing against the St. Ingbert Devils. |
23.09.12 in Bücheneburen
The Cannibals will play a Playoff qualification game on 23.09.2012 at 13:00 in Büchenbeuren against the Coblenz Raptors.
Neustadt and St. Ingbert have already qualified for the Playoffs which will take place on Oktober 7 in St. Ingbert.
ghs |
Leave at 10:00 for St. Ingber
The schedule for Sunday (2.09) has changed.
Our 1st game is now at 12:30; therefore, we leave at 10:00 from the Jahnturnhalle parking lot. |
No Practice on May 1st
No Practice on May 1st - moved to Thursday this week. |
New President elected
Elections were held on 12.11.2011 as part of our annual meeting. The following people were elected:
• President - Joachim (Jojo) Sonnenberg
• Vice President - Sven Friederich
• Treasurer - Jerry Labrie
• Press Secretary - Alex Kubitzki
Contact information: Click here
-ghs- |
Diekirch game cancelled!
The game on Sunday, 19.06, against Diekirch Phoenix (LUX) has been cancelled. Jojo is trying to find a new date for the game.
Practice on Sunday at 15:00. |
Practice now Sundays 15:00
Practice is now also Sundays at 15:00. |
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