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Hit in den Mai 2008
  posted 28.03.08 by Greg Hilker    

“Hit in den Mai” am 1. Mai 2008

An alle grossen und kleinen Cannibals & Cannibals-Freunde

Am 1. Mai findet zum dritten Mal der “Hit in den Mai” auf der Bürgerweide statt.

Und da alle in den Vorjahren so viel Spaß hatten, gibt es wieder:

• Batting Cage
• Super Musik von DJ-Jerry
• Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Bratwürste & Drinks…
• Slow Pitch Softball-Spiele – für Anfänger & Kids & Eltern & "Pros"

Es sind alle Cannibals + Familien + Freunde eingeladen !

Los geht’s ab ca. 11:00 Uhr.

Bitte bis 15. April anmelden:
Der Unkostenbeitrag (
z.B. für Toilettenhäuschen) beträgt € 2,00 pro Person
Die Anmeldung bitte per Überweisung an die Cannibals
mit Angabe der Personenzahl bezahlen:
• TGWorms Cannibals • Konto: 2018837 • BLZ: 553 500 10 (Sparkasse Worms) •
• Verwendungszweck: Ihre Name + Personenzahl

Kuchen- und Salatspenden sind ausdrücklich willkommen!

Wer etwas spenden möchte bitte frühzeitig mit Ed Seaman

(06352 / 711-756 oder baseball-4ever[at] abstimmen was gespendet wird.

Wir hoffen auf sehr viele kleine und große Cannibals, Familien und Freunde,

schönes Wetter & lots of fun!!!

– ghs –

Team Meeting on 22. Februar 2008
  posted 09.02.08 by Greg Hilker    
Hallo Cannibals,
The new season is rapidly approaching and there's still plenty to plan, organize and discuss before we can start playing!
Therefore all adult players, the kid's parents and the kids are invited to a club meeting:

Friday, 22. February 2008 • 19:00 • Gaststätte Jahnturnhalle

Due to the fact that we have a 2nd men's team this year, we expect that all adult players (VL & LL) who want to play in 2008 attend the meeting!
-ghs- 9.02.2008 -
Cannibals Yearly Meeting
  posted 20.11.07 by Greg Hilker    
The Cannibals yearly meeting took place on November 16, 2007. The following people were elected:
• President: Greg Hilker-Schmele
• Vice President: Ed Seaman
• Treasurer: Thomas Holschuh
• Youth Head Coach: Sacha Elschner
• Head Groundsman: Naum Adam
• Press Secretary: Mikel Friess (Bones)

Another positive from the meeting was the decision to register 4 teams in 2008:
• Verbandsliga Baseball
• Landesliga Baseball
• Juniorenliga Baseball
• Jugendliga Baseball
-ghs- 20.11.2007 -
Yearly Meeting on 16.11.2007
  posted 16.10.07 by Greg Hilker    
Liebe Cannibals!

The regular yearly meeting of the TG Worms Cannibals will take place on November 16th at 19:30 in the Gaststätte der Jahnturnhalle. Motions must be submitted in to the President in writing by Nov. 9, 2007.

This is an election year; all positions are up for grabs. We will also decide if we will additionaly register a Junioren-Team and whether we will additionaly register a Landesliga-Team at the meeting.

The written invitations were sent to all members today, either by e-mail or by post.
- ghs -
After game party on 11.08.2007
  posted 08.08.07 by Greg Hilker    
Who is bringing what for the BBQ after the game on Saturday! I have some ribs, Hamburgers and Hotdogs! Charcoal is in the Hut at the field and will bring a second grill if Dennis can’t bring the Pimp Master! I still need to get buns for the hamburgers and hotdogs! We have plenty of plate’s cups and Knifes and forks. So if anyone else can bring salads and beer I can get some different sodas if needed? Please pass this on to the younger baseball team also think it would be a good time for all of us to get together and party after a good game!

Neustadt please bring some items to grill and party with us after the game!
- Brett -
MLB touring thru Germany
  posted 12.05.07 by Greg Hilker    
For the second time Major League Baseball (MLB) will be touring thru Germany this summer. Starting on June 9, the MLB Roadshow will run 20 events in 17 German cities.

The main attraction of the MLB Roadshow is the interactive Funpark. A number of hands-on events as well as the three event modules "Power-Pitcher", "Homerun-Hitter" and "Mini-Field" offer everybody the opportunity to experience this traditional American sport first-hand.

MLB Roadshow 2007 – Events near Worms:
02. Juli Karlsruhe - Marktplatz
04. Juli Mannheim - Marktplatz G 1
06. Juli Mainz - Gutenbergplatz
09. Juli Frankfurt am Main - Konstabler Wache
11. Juli Wiesbaden - Kranzplatz

For more information, see

Hit in May 2007
  posted 24.04.07 by J.Oliver Seip    
On tuesday, 1st of may the cannibals celebrate their "hit in may-event". From 11:00am there`s a big barbecue and several other activities for friends and family. All this takes place on our home field "Bürgerweide".
SWBSV Schüler-Team Tryouts in WO
  posted 20.03.07 by Greg Hilker    
There will be an open practice for the SWBSV Schüler-Team on the Bürgerweide in Worms on Saturday, April 7, 2007. Practice starts at 12:15 and will last approx. 2 hours.

All Schüler interested in trying-out for the team are invited to attend.
- ghs -
3 New 'B' Scorers
  posted 14.03.07 by Greg Hilker    
Volker Friesenhahn, Tim Schmele and Greg Hilker-Schmele all passed the "B" Scorer test on Sunday, 11.03. A "B" license is required to score Verbandsliga games. Congratulations!
Kader Junioren- & Jugendauswahl
  posted 15.02.07 by Greg Hilker    
Tobias Burg was named to the SWBSV Juniorenauswahl team.
Marco Bastuk, Paul Elschner, Paul Vasiliadis and, Jonas Wingerter were named to the Jugendauswahl SWBSV team.
- ghs -
Team Meeting on 23. Februar 2007
  posted 30.01.07 by Greg Hilker    
The 2007 season is right around the corner! There's plenty to discuss, to organize and to do before we can start playing outside.
Threrfore we invite all as well as the Parents of the youth players to a team Meeting:
• Friday, 23.02.07 • 19:00 • Gaststätte Jahnturnhalle •
We expect that all Adult players who want to play in the coming season attend the meeting !
- ghs -
New Umpire
  posted 15.01.07 by Greg Hilker    
>>>From the SWBSV Website:
"Folgende Teilnehmer haben den Lehrgang Umpire Baseball C mit Erfolg bestanden:
Seip, J. Oliver (Worms Cannibals)"
New Scorer: Christine Bergmann
  posted 14.12.06 by Greg Hilker    
>>>From the SWBSV Website:
"Am Scorer-C-Lehrgang für die Saison 2007 haben mit Erfolg teilgenommen:
Bergmann, Christine (Worms Cannibals)
Youth Training on 2.12 – Sorry!
  posted 04.12.06 by Greg Hilker    
Dear Parents,

We had a breakdown with the youth training in the Elo-Gym on Saturday, 12/2. I would like to apologize for this in the name of the Cannibals.

We train two groups of kids - "die Kleinen" and "die Grossen" - however we only have one key to the gym. Moving the key from coach to coach is a logistic problem which we have always solved in the past.

Dirk Heiser has the key and should have opened the gym on Saturday; however, Dirk found out on Friday evening that he has pneumonia. He tried calling a number of people to say that he was sick, but could not reach anyone. Since Dirk lives in Lampertheim, he could also not just quickly drop by the gym with the key and; therefore, the gym remained closed.

On top of that, both Dirk and Sacha have new telephone numbers which hardly anyone knows. Here are the numbers of the kids coaches:
- Sacha Elschner ("Grossen") 06249/805-812
- Dennis Biedert ("Grossen") 0171/486-4103
- Dirk Heiser ("Kleinen") 01511/074-3722
- Russ Risdon ("Kleinen") 06241/304-852
- Oliver Seip ("Kleinen") 0177/290-3073

Please accept our apologies; we will do our best that this never happens again.

Greg Hilker-Schmele
Abteilungsvorsitzender Baseball & Softball
TG Worms Cannibals
Men's Practice - Jahnturnhalle
  posted 30.11.06 by Greg Hilker    
Men's Practice - Jahnturnhalle

Sa. 2.12.06 17:00
Su. 17.12.06 17:00

Sa. 13.01.07 17:00
Su. 21.01.07 17:00
(Sa. 27.01 maybe in the Elo-Turnhalle - Jahn is booked)

(Sa. 3.02 maybe in the Elo-Turnhalle - Jahn is booked)
Sa. 10.02.07 17:00
Sa. 17.02.07 17:00
Sa. 24.02.07 17:00

Sa. 03.03.07 17:00
10./11.03 *no practice*
Su. 18.03.07 17:00

Our Softball players are also more than welcome to practice with us!

Men's Practice Outdoors
  posted 23.10.06 by Greg Hilker    
Until we start practicing indoors, Men's Practice is in the Waldeslust: Wednesdays as of 18:00-18:30 until...
All-Star Game 2006
  posted 28.07.06 by Greg Hilker    
The 2006 All-Star Game (Landesliga vs. Verbandsliga) will take place in Speyer on Saturday, August 26th at 14:00.
Naum Adam, Bernd Beyer, Dennis Biedert and Ed Seaman from Worms have been nominated to the team!
Worms Players on League Team
  posted 16.06.06 by Greg Hilker    
The League Team Jugend 2006 has been announced by the SWBSV.
Four Worms players have benn nominated:
Bastuk, Marco (Worms) Elschner, Paul (Worms)
Vasiliadis, Paul (Worms) Wingerter, Jonas (Worms)

The other players are:
Bach, Alexander (Saarlouis) Claesges, Jonas (Saarlouis)
Doll, Max (Mainz) Feistel, Dieter (Saarlouis)
Klein, Daniel (Mainz) Lehmkuehler, Dominique (Mainz)
Mick, Peter (Saarlouis) Stahlmann, Tim (Mainz)
Stöcklin, Lennard (Mainz) Weichert, Nicolas (Mainz)
Werum, Sebastian (Mainz) Wunn, Lukas (Saarlouis)
  posted 07.06.06 by Greg Hilker    
Women's Softball Practice is Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. on the Bürgerweide. Men are also wellcome!
Games on MAY 28
  posted 28.05.06 by Greg Hilker    
There's a Mittelalterfest on the road to the field - give yourself 10-15 more minutes to make it to the field!

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